Buses, Drop-Off & Pick-Up

a line of yellow school buses on both sides of the photo.


Busing is provided by Lakeside Transportation free of charge to students who live further than 1.5 miles from school or must cross a street that the state has identified as hazardous. Busing routes are posted in student PowerSchool accounts shortly before the school year begins.

Students who do not qualify for free busing may purchase busing for the year, payable in advance. Information on the Pay-To-Ride Program can be found on the Student Form page or here.

If you have questions regarding busing, please contact the school office. 

Late Arrival, Tardiness

Students who arrive later than 8:05 a.m. should enter through the front office doors. A student is considered tardy if he/she arrives after the bell at 8:15 a.m.  Students who are tardy should be signed in for the day by an adult in the school office. Optimally, all students are in the classroom, with coats and backpacks put away, sitting at their desk and beginning their morning work by 8:15 a.m. Students miss important information when they are tardy.



Students can be dropped off in the circle drive in the front of the school and they can enter through the main office or cafeteria doors.


All students exit the front of the school. Students getting picked up will be walked to the front of the school by their teachers. It helps to have a predetermined spot so students know where to meet you.


Parking During School Hours

Unfortunately, parking space is at a premium at Copeland. Parking on the circle is permitted for short time periods, and is designated for people with special physical needs. Parents are encouraged to park on 7th Avenue or approved areas on local streets. Parents should not park or enter the staff parking lot, as this is not designed to be a “turn around” area and will add to congestion.


Lakeside bus company hiring for D70 routes for $2.150 an hour, no experience needed, paid CDL training, call 847-263-7619