Learning Center
Finding Books
Explore our Catalog Features
What should I read next? - This is a database that gives recommendations for what to read next based on the books you already love.
Book Adventure - Sign up online to track books you read and to take online quizzes.
Book Wizard - Find the “right fit” book for your reader. Check out the Search Similar Books tab to find books similar to those you love.
Epic - This website allows students to use a teacher login to access thousands of free ebooks and videos. A great resource for research! Please check in Google Classroom or Seesaw for codes.
Cook Library
Check out all the ebooks and audio books that Cook has to offer with just your library card number!
Cook Library eResources
Navigating Cook Memorial's Cloud Library
Searching Hoopla
Library Policies
Each class comes to the library once a week. During this time a variety of activities are completed in order for students to meet the ISAIL standards. Students are also given time to check out books.
- Kindergarten students may check out 1 book for one week period
- Grades 1-5 may have 2 books checked out for a 2 week period.
- Grade 4 can check out a Nook only with signed parent permission.
- Grade 5 can check out an ipod shuffle or KIndle Fire only with signed parent permission.
- Any book can be returned any day that school is in session (with teacher permission).
- A book can be placed on hold if it is not available.
- Books can be renewed as long as there is no hold on it.
- Students may continue to check out books every week, provided that previous checked out books are returned.
- Students are encouraged to pay for lost or damaged books.
Library Documents
Birthday Book Form
iPod Shuffle Permission Slip (5th grade)
KINDLE FIRE Permission (4th and 5th grade)
Six Flags Reading Log are all assigned a specific teacher code.
Please contact your child's teacher to get that code.
Sign up to come to Maker Monday |
Stay tuned for details Fall 2021 |
Code with Scratch | Ask the librarian for username |
Build a prototype on tinkercad | login with your Google School Account |
3d Printer tips | How to use the 3D printer |
3D Printer - SUBMIT printer projects. | Submit Printer Projects |
WeVideo Tutorial | Mrs. Johnson's intro to WeVideo |
Bloxel Builder Tutorials | Animate enemies Building Backgrounds |
Make Makey Tutorial | Makey Makey Basics |
Ozobot bit Tutorial | On Paper On Chromebooks |
Use the following links to help
you in your research!
Resources for Research - one document which reviews the different resources students can use to research.
Cook Database - Use your library card number to access these databases for reliable and organized information.
Research websites:
Sweet Search for Me
Enchanted Learning
Citing with Noodle Tools
- How to login for the first time.
- How to login
- How to create a new citation
- How to cite a book
- How to cite a database
- How to cite a website
How to use Cook Database
Nooks & Shuffles
Copeland Library has 6 Kindle Fires and 8 iPod shuffles that are available for check-out by 5th grade only. There are 6 Kindle Fires that use the Nook app that may be checked out by 4th graders. In order to check these devices out, students must have a signed permission form. This form can be picked up in the library or found on the Library Documents tab.
These devices are available for a two week loan period after which they can be renewed as long as no one has placed a hold on the item.
Shuffles come loaded with one book; Nooks and Kindles come loaded with all books available in the catalog. Students may read any book on the Nook or Kindle, given it is during the time they have the item checked out.
There are fines associated with turning in these devices past the due date. Please pay special attention to the dates these devices are due.
How to check out Nooks and Shuffles
K-3rd Graders
K-3rd graders can access electronic books and audio books using Epic. Watch the video below to see how it works and click on the link to access.
Graded K-5 - Access ebooks, audio books and video clips with your teacher's code. You can also use the library code. Please check in Seesaw or Google Classroom for codes.